
This example details how to use Giraffe.Contrib to implement a view for a collection of fruits with the Contrib.FastCollectionView, a class that efficiently renders a collection with a single view.

The goal of this class is to render a collection as efficiently as possible. It has yet to be optimized much, but when re-rendering the entire collection on a 'sort' or 'reset' event it is very fast. Here's a jsPerf with more.

Live Example

Here is the final result. The fruits are rendered inside a shared instance of FruitsView, which inherits directly from Giraffe.View. A number of actions can be performed via buttons:

  • clone creates a duplicate of the fruit
  • delete remove the fruit from the collection
  • sort toggles ascending/descending sort
  • reset resets the collection to its original state
var Fruit = Giraffe.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    name: null,
    color: null

var Fruits = Giraffe.Collection.extend({
  model: Fruit,
  comparator: 'name'

Fruits.prototype.toggleSort = function() {
  var comparator = this.comparator;

  // Reverse string order isn't as simple as prefixing with '-'. See
  // Collection.reverse() is not a
  // good idea as the collection would not sort properly on add/remove.
  if (typeof comparator === 'string') {
    comparator = function(fruit) {
      return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,"name").split(""),
        function(c) {
          return 0xffff - c.charCodeAt();
  } else {
    comparator = 'name';
  this.comparator = comparator;

var FruitsView = Giraffe.Contrib.FastCollectionView.extend({
  // The view's regular template
  template: '#fruits-template',

  // Options specific to the `FastCollectionView`
  modelTemplate: '#fruit-template', // required - used to get the html per model
  modelEl: '#fruits-list', // optional - el to insert result of `modelTemplate`
  // `modelSerialize` and `modelTemplateStrategy` options not shown

  onDelete: function(e) {
    var model = this.findModelByEl(; // `FastCollectionView` method
    // `dispose` is a Giraffe method which also removes it from the collection
    // or
    // this.collection.remove(model);
    // or
    // this.removeOne(model); // `FastCollectionView` method

  onClone: function(e) {
    var model = this.findModelByEl(;
    var newModel = model.clone();
    // or
    // this.addOne(newModel); // `FastCollectionView` method

var savoryFruits = [{
  name: 'Orange',
  color: '#FF7F00'
}, {
  name: 'Pink Grapefruit',
  color: '#C5363A'
}, {
  name: 'Apple',
  color: '#0F0'
}, {
  name: 'Banana',
  color: '#FF0'
}, ];

var fruits = new Fruits(savoryFruits);

var fruitsView = new FruitsView({
  collection: fruits

var MainView = Giraffe.View.extend({
  template: '#main-template',

  onClickReset: function() {

  onClickSort: function() {

  afterRender: function() {

var mainView = new MainView();

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../css/reset.css' />
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='fastcollectionview0-style.css' />
    <script id='fruits-template' type='text/template'>
  <ul id='fruits-list'> <!-- matches `modelEl` -->
    <!-- `modelTemplate` result is inserted here for each model -->

<script id='fruit-template' type='text/template'>
  <li class='fruit' style='background-color: <%= attributes.color %>;'>
    <h2><%= %></h2>
    <button data-gf-click='onDelete'>delete</button>
    <button data-gf-click='onClone'>clone</button>

<script id='main-template' type='text/template'>
  <button data-gf-click='onClickReset'>reset</button>
  <button data-gf-click='onClickSort'>sort</button>
  <hr />
  <!-- FruitsView is appended here in afterRender -->

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="../backbone.giraffe.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

  <script src="../backbone.giraffe.contrib.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='fastcollectionview0-script.js'></script>
h1 {
  font-size: 36px;
h2 {
  font-size: 24px;
.fruit {
  position: relative;
  padding: 10px;
  margin: 10px;
hr {
  border: 0;
  height: 0;
  border-top: 1px dashed #ccc;

Collection and Model

First define the model and collection representing the fruits. The advantage of using Giraffe.Model is the addition of a few methods such as Model#dispose which is used later. This is not that different from using Backbone.Model.

var Fruit = Giraffe.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    name: null,
    color: null

var Fruits = Giraffe.Collection.extend({
  model: Fruit,
  comparator: 'name'

Collection View

Giraffe.Contrib contains a FastCollectionView class that syncs a template per model in its collection by reacting to add/remove/sort/reset events.

var FruitsView = Giraffe.Contrib.FastCollectionView.extend({
  // The view's regular template
  template: '#fruits-template',

  // Options specific to the `FastCollectionView`
  modelTemplate: '#fruit-template', // required - used to get the html per model
  modelEl: '#fruits-list', // optional - el to insert result of `modelTemplate`
  // `modelSerialize` and `modelTemplateStrategy` options not shown

  onDelete: function(e) {
    var model = this.findModelByEl(; // `FastCollectionView` method
    // `dispose` is a Giraffe method which also removes it from the collection
    // or
    // this.collection.remove(model);
    // or
    // this.removeOne(model); // `FastCollectionView` method

  onClone: function(e) {
    var model = this.findModelByEl(;
    var newModel = model.clone();
    // or
    // this.addOne(newModel); // `FastCollectionView` method

The FastCollectionView property modelEl designates where to insert the models' html. It defaults to view.$el. It is important to not put any other elements inside modelEl, as Giraffe makes this assumption to be able to enable its automated features without creating views. As specified in FruitsView, '#fruits-list' contains the fruits. Here's the template that creates this modelEl:

<script id='fruits-template' type='text/template'>
  <ul id='fruits-list'> <!-- matches `modelEl` -->
    <!-- `modelTemplate` result is inserted here for each model -->
To maximize performance, the FastCollectionView is destructive to its modelEl when the collection is fully re-rendered, which currently occurs on render and the 'reset' and 'sort' events.

The template rendered per model, modelTemplate, '#fruit-template' in this example, is the only required option of the FastCollectionView. Let's add delete and clone buttons to let users visually modify the collection.

<script id='fruit-template' type='text/template'>
  <li class='fruit' style='background-color: <%= attributes.color %>;'>
    <h2><%= %></h2>
    <button data-gf-click='onDelete'>delete</button>
    <button data-gf-click='onClone'>clone</button>

Now create some tasty fruits and create the collection to assign to FruitsView.

var savoryFruits = [
  {name: 'Orange', color: '#FF7F00'},
  {name: 'Pink Grapefruit', color: '#C5363A'},
  {name: 'Apple', color: '#0F0'},
  {name: 'Banana', color: '#FF0'},

var fruits = new Fruits(savoryFruits);

var fruitsView = new FruitsView({
  collection: fruits

Resetting and Sorting

Let's also give the user the ability to reset and sort fruits at any time. The buttons need to be outside of the collection view otherwise they would be disposed when the view resets its children.

Create a main view to contain the button just to keep things tidy and easy one-way click binding.

<script id='main-template' type='text/template'>
  <button data-gf-click='onClickReset'>reset</button>
  <button data-gf-click='onClickSort'>sort</button>
  <hr />
  <!-- FruitsView is appended here in afterRender -->
var MainView = Giraffe.View.extend({
  template: '#main-template',

  onClickReset: function() {

  onClickSort: function() {

  afterRender: function() {

var mainView = new MainView();

The FastCollectionView should be especially fast when re-rendering the entire collection as on 'reset' and 'sort' events, because it concatenates all of the html for each model into one string. However this may not always be the optimal behavior. This class is a work in progress and smarter rendering is something to look into. Here's a jsPerf with more.

We need to source the Backbone.Giraffe.Contrib library which defines Giraffe.Contrib.FastCollectionView.

None-core goodies are added to Backbone.Giraffe.Contrib, short for contributions.
  <script src="../backbone.giraffe.contrib.js" type="text/javascript"></script>