View Data Events

This example demonstrates how to use the dataEvents map of Giraffe.View. Similar to how the Backbone.View events map binds DOM events to view methods, Giraffe.View provides the dataEvents hash that maps object events to view methods. Like the events map, the dataEvents bindings are also automatically cleaned up when a view's dispose method is called.

var View = Giraffe.View.extend({

To demonstrate dataEvents, we'll first need some data. In this example we'll use a regular Giraffe.Collection, but dataEvents works with any object that implements Backbone.Events.

  initialize: function() {
    this.collection = new Giraffe.Collection();

dataEvents maps events on an object to a view method via Backbone.Events#listenTo. Its key is a space-separated series of events ending with the target object. This structure mirrors the events map of Backbone.View, {'domEventName selector': 'viewMethod'}, but replaces the selector with the name of any Backbone.Events object on this view instance. As a result of using listenTo, dataEvents accepts multiple events per definition and the handlers are called in the context of the view.

  dataEvents: {
    'add remove collection': 'render'
    // 'someEvent anotherEvent someBackboneEventsObject': function() { ... }
    // 'anEventTriggeredOnThisView this': 'someMethodName' // listen to self
    // 'sameEventAsAbove @': 'sameMethodAsAbove'
The above is equivalent to putting this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add remove', this.render); in initialize.

This example has a button to add a new model and a button for each model that removes it. The Document Events feature is used to bind click events to view methods.

  template: '#view-template',
<script id="view-template" type="text/template">
  <button data-gf-click="onAddModel">add model</button>
  <% collection.each(function(model, index) { %>
    <button data-gf-click="onRemoveModel" data-cid="<%= model.cid %>">
      remove model <%= model.cid %>
  <% }); %>

Here are the functions that add and remove models. The ui updates automatically on the 'add' and 'remove' events bound in dataEvents.

  onAddModel: function(e) {

  onRemoveModel: function(e) {
    var cid = $('cid');

That's it! Let's create and attach the view.

var view = new View();
Unfortunately dataEvents fails for some use cases. Its events are bound directly after Giraffe.View#initialize, so if your view needs to respond to events in the constructor or initialize, they won't yet be listened for, and if your view creates data objects after initialize, they won't be bound to. We advocate using Backbone.Events#listenTo directly in these circumstances.

Try It

var View = Giraffe.View.extend({

  initialize: function() {
    this.collection = new Giraffe.Collection();

  dataEvents: {
    'add remove collection': 'render'
    // 'someEvent anotherEvent someBackboneEventsObject': function() { ... }
    // 'anEventTriggeredOnThisView this': 'someMethodName' // listen to self
    // 'sameEventAsAbove @': 'sameMethodAsAbove'

  template: '#view-template',

  onAddModel: function(e) {

  onRemoveModel: function(e) {
    var cid = $('cid');

var view = new View();
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../css/reset.css' />
    <script id="view-template" type="text/template">
  <button data-gf-click="onAddModel">add model</button>
  <% collection.each(function(model, index) { %>
    <button data-gf-click="onRemoveModel" data-cid="<%= model.cid %>">
      remove model <%= model.cid %>
  <% }); %>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="../backbone.giraffe.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type='text/javascript' src='dataevents0-script.js'></script>